Please note these are recommendations based on several sources, including bicycling app data, anecdotal recommendations from local cyclists and bike clubs. Many of these routes are on roads with high-speed traffic. The routes were chosen based on factors like low traffic volumes, scenic beauty, and connecting destinations such as downtown districts, parks, and schools. Golden Hills cannot guarantee safety of riding on any road or trail and is not liable for activity on these routes. Always obey traffic laws. Wear a helmet, brightly-colored and reflective clothing, and use front and rear lights while biking on roads.
In 2019, we worked with Harrison County Conservation Board and Woodbine Main Street to designate a section of Easton Trail, a county highway, as the first designated rural bike route in the region. Learn more here.
Click the square in the upper right corner of the map to open a larger version. Click on a line to view a description of the route (some are trails, some are county roads, city streets, etc.).