As part of ourRegional Conservation Partnership Program for the West Nishnabotna Water Quality and Infrastructure Partnership, Golden Hills is hosting educational programs about water quality and flood resilience.
For more information contact: Shaun Ahern Project Coordinator [email protected] (712) 482-3029 ext. 19
Grade Stabilization Webinar
Tuesday, December 3 1:00-2:00pm
Virtual program about structural measures that landowners can do to stop gully erosion with cost share from the NRCS.
Presenters: Terry Gleaves, NRCS John Thomas, Hungry Canyons Alliance This webinar will cover all aspects of gully erosion control here in western Iowa. We’ll look at the geology of western Iowa and why gully erosion is so prevalent here, discuss different types of gullies through photos, show the most cost-effective ways to control gully erosion, and end with opportunities for cost share through the NRCS and your local soil and water conservation districts.
Pre-registration required. Registered participants will receive the Zoom link the day of the event.